Sunday, April 18, 2010

Jaylie - 5 months old today

Hello, it's been awhile since I've posted a new blog. We (Kristina, myself, jaylie and our friends and family) are getting use to the new norm, Jaylie being home now!

Kristina's mom (Debbey) is helping us with daycare as Kristina and I continue to work. Debbey is awesome and a life saver, a priceless blessing! Debbey's love for children, love for Jaylie and willingness to help us with Jaylie is another awesome testament to God's never-ending faithfulness and love for us. Though all children are special, due to Jaylie's medical history, Jaylie requires more individualized care. Debbey enrollment in our lives is a true answer to prayer. Thank you Lord! Thank you Debbey! We love you :0)

The day to day life with Jaylie has been good. She's still on the feeding tube and has not made much progress feeding via the bottle but is growing and maturing well. Please keep Jaylie's developmental needs in your prayers.

Jaylie is 6lbs 8oz. She is growing and changing tons each day.

Jaylie got her first head cold about a week ago after taking her to her first dr's visit. Though it was not too serious, it scared Kristina and I because it affected her breathing a bit in the morning and at night. The discharge nurse told us that if Jaylie started to have any breathing problems that we would need to rush her to the hospital right away, so Kristina and I were a bit on edge when Jaylie started to get congested with a head cold. Praise God Jaylie's head cold did not last but a couple of days!

We've take a couple of pictures of Jaylie over the last coupe of weeks and have posted them here: April

We went to the tulip festival for the first time today. The weather was perfect and so were the tulips! You can very some uber cute photos from today's outing here: Tulip Festival

Pray needs: Kristina and I are still figuring out the ropes as parents. Please keep us in your prayers. Please also continue to pray for Jaylie's development physically, mentally and spiritually. We pray that the Lord would continue to manifest His presents in Jaylie's live. We pray Jaylie's development would be expedient and complete, above and beyond her years.

As always, thank you so much for your prayer and support! We love you all! We would not have been able to make it this far without your prayer and support...


Nathan, Kristina & Jaylie