Friday, May 28, 2010

Jaylie - 6 months 1 week

We are back at Swedish today. Two days ago, Jaylie had her G tube button replaced here at Swedish. Yesterday and today Jaylie has been fussy during her feeds. She was waking up every couple of hours all though the night. At 230am this morning Jaylie had a 102.5 temperature which remained after 730am when we called the Dr. The surgeon which has performed all of Jaylie's surgeries advised us to bring Jaylie in right away, so here we are. The Dr's have advised Jaylie is fighting an infection of the G tube insertion site so the have Jaylie on an IV and meds over the next 24hrs which means we will be here overnight.

Other than a small infection and hospitalization things are well :0)

Here is a link to a recent picture: HERE

Nathan, Kristina and Jaylie

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jaylie - 6 months old

Jaylie went in for her 6 month check up this week and all is well. Jaylie is 8lb 6oz now (3798 grams) a far cry from the 545 grams she was born at just 6 months ago...

We are still working with Jaylie doing developmental stuff. We have an occupational therapist coming out to the house each week and working with Jaylie. We have follow up exercises to do with Jaylie each day to help with development. Jaylie is still behind developmentally wise but catching up.

We are still feeding Jaylie through her feeding tube and have made little progress with bottle feeding. The Dr's advise in a month or so we will be able to start with solid food feedings.

Jaylie is in size 0-3 months now, just outside of her preemie closes.

I was able to experience a random without waring projectile vomit all over my shirt today...

Things overall are progressing well :)

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Please pray for Jaylie's overall development and that we as parents will be able to follow God's direction in making the daily decisions that affect Jaylie's life and development.

Thank you all for your prayer and support! We really appreciate it!

Nathan, Kristina & Jaylie

Couple pictures from today:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jaylie - 5months 2weeks 2days

So you're probably thinking, "How's Jaylie doing!?". She is doing well! She's just just 8lbs now and it growing well. Kristina, Jaylie, me and grandma Debbey are still adjusting to our new lives but wouldn't have it any other way!

Jaylie has had ton's of Dr's visits and still has many more to go.

Jaylie's Gtube has caused her some pain and irritation around the site of insertion but a couple of visits to see the gastrointestinal Dr's to clean up the insertion area has helped a lot.

The only area that we've gone a bit backwards in is with the oral feeding. Jaylie has decided she longer wants anything in her mouth ever -- no pacifier or bottle. This has made bottle feeding impossible.

We met with the Occupational therapist's this week and they are going to start working with Jaylie weekly to help with development overall, specifically focusing on the areas Jaylie is behind in like the bottle feeding and such.

Please keep Jaylie's development, growth and maturity in your prayers.

As always, thank you SO much for your pray and support!

Nathan, Kristina & Jaylie

Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks:

Trip to the Tulip Festival