Friday, February 26, 2010

Jaylie - Day 101 - week 41 6/7

Over the last 10 days Jaylie has been doing well.

Jaylie is up to just about 4lbs 14oz :).

The lower bowel refeedings have being going well.

Jaylie did have to go on the nasal cannula for a couple of days to give her a bit more oxygen but is off the oxygen now.

The last couple of visits Jaylie has been a bit fussy which is a new experience for us but a good sign she is growing and maturing like little babies do :).

We meet with the surgeon tomorrow to discuss the reconnection surgery for Jaylie's lower bowel.

We are vastly approaching the 44 week mark at which they usually kick you out of the NICU.

Though the Swedish NICU is a great facility with awesome staffing, Kristina and I are really looking forward to not having to visit them each day...

As always, thank you so much for your prayer and support!

I will post some new pictures asap.

Nathan, Kristina & Jaylie

Monday, February 15, 2010

Jaylie - Day 90 - week 40 2/7

This last week has been a good week. Jaylie has grown in size and weight. Jaylie is now +1900 grams = 4lbs 3ozs, yay!

The Dr's are talking about doing the contrast tests again of Jaylie's intestinal track to see if everything is moving through in a healthy way.

This week Jaylie had a some stool in her diaper (which is a good thing). That means the lower intestinal track is functioning somewhat, as to how much it is functioning the Dr's will test over the next week by GI contrast tests and if those go well the Dr's will start refeeding (refeeding is not a subject for the faint of heart. To read some context on what refeeding is and how it's done you can read these nurses comments: refeeding) to engage the lower intestinal track to see how the lower intestinal track is behaving. If all goes well (refeeding and testing) the surgeon will reform another surgery to reconnect the ileostomy. There were be a 10 day or so recovery period after the surgery, after the recovery, if all goes well, Jaylie would then be able to come home yay! There are ALOT of if's in there, but overall things are going well. Jaylie is growing and maturing.

As always, thank you so much for your pray and support! It it appreciated beyond words!

Nathan, Kristina and Jaylie

I have posted some new pictures from this week: HERE .

Here is a picture from this week:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jaylie - Day 82 week 39 1/7

This week was better than last week for the Jaylie. Jaylie is doing a lot better than last week. Her stomach swelling is all pretty much gone, yay!

Jaylie is tolerating her feeds really well, but is not putting on weight and actually losing weight (keep in mind, Jaylie is only using her upper digestive track to process feeds due to the ileostomy surgery ). Jaylie is down to 1600 grams (3lbs 8.3oz). Becaus of this weight loss, the doctors have put Jaylie on a predigested formula to hopefully help Jaylie start putting on weight. Hopefully Jaylie will start to put on weight with this new formula.

Other than the weight issues (which is a serious issue) Jaylie is doing well! We are able to hold and interact with Jaylie which is awesome!

The week before last was a tough week for us. Jaylie's surgery and the Doctors setting expectations with us as to what to expect regarding Jaylie's care after we get her home were taxing events to process and recover from. Kristina and I are still recovering from those events.

Jaylie's prayer requests:
Intestinal development
Overall development and grow

As always, Thank you SO much for your prayer and support! We really appreciate it!

Nathan, Kristina and Jaylie

Here is a video and picture from this week:

Jaylie's Feb pictures: HERE